Taft College
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Your Life
No matter who you are, you belong here! Taft College, the jewel of California Community Colleges, offers more than 75 degrees and certificates. We’re north of Los Angeles and one of the most affordable colleges, with remarkable supportive services and financial aid. Transform your life quickly with personal and financial success.
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How investing in your future at
Taft College brings financial rewards*
$1 $5
For every single dollar you spend on your community college education, you'll gain five dollars in higher earnings.
As associate degree from a California Community College shows an increase in annual earnings of $11,100 compared to those with only a high school diploma. That's $388,500 more in 35 years.
2 years
Two years at Taft College for a degree with a transfer saves two years of university costs.
X2 income
Certificate programs for technical and career training can dramatically increase your income; some can double your income within two years.
*See the California Community Colleges website and Salary Surfer.
Taft College is more than a campus. It's an experience.
For more than 100 years, Taft College has helped students define their own future. With 75+ degree and certificate programs, Taft College has the academic diversity and the dedicated faculty to help students find success in an always-evolving workforce.
Here, you can study the humanities while gaining hands-on technical skills and experience. You can live on-campus while staying connected with the community, north of Los Angeles. At Taft College, providing every student with support, recognition, and skills for tomorrow comes standard with an exceptional education.
Find the degree or certificate that speaks to your academic, career, and life goals.
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