Are You Eligible? Let’s Find Out!

Scholarships can be life-changing. Many students erroneously assume they are ineligible for this money and lose out. Eligibility requirements are extremely varied. Even a partial scholarship could free up your need to work during a semester and allow you more time to focus on your academic success. 

Scholarship Opportunities

There are many opportunities for students at Taft College to qualify for scholarships and receive financial awards. These may be for ongoing support or one-time payments. Scholarships are based on specific criteria, which may include financial need, major of study, minimum grade point average (GPA), and others. There is no limit on the number of scholarships you may win; however, you need to remember to report all outside financial aid awards to the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office.

Check your scholarship eligibility and all application deadlines. Apply early!

Contact us!

If you have questions about getting application forms, eligibility, deadlines, your applications, or other concerns, please contact Financial Aid and Scholarships at 661-763-7762.

Institutional Scholarship Opportunities

  • Taft College Academic Merit Award

    Any graduating high school senior in the West Kern Community College District (Taft High School, Maricopa High School, and Buena Vista High School) with a term grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better who enrolls in 12 units at Taft College as a first-time college student within one year of receiving the award is eligible.

    No application is required.

    Submit final high school transcript to the college.

    Award is $300 per semester up to two (2) semesters depending on continued eligibility.

  • Taft College Scholarship

    Applicants must have California residency.

    Applicants must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA.

    Applicants must pass 12 units with a 3.0 GPA in the previous semester and enroll in 12 or more units in the next semester to maintain the scholarship.

    Award is $125 per semester up to four semesters depending on continued eligibility.

    Students cannot receive the Taft College Scholarship for semesters in which they receive the Taft College Academic Merit Award.

  • Taft College Non-Resident Scholarship

    A Non-Resident student entering Taft College with a 3.00 or better high school cumulative GPA or a 3.00 cumulative GPA as a full-time college student the previous term and enrolls as a full-time student, is eligible to receive the Non-Resident scholarship. The student must attend on-campus to receive the non-resident scholarship.

    This scholarship is applied to Non-Resident tuition and can be earned a maximum of two semesters.

    To receive the second semester Non-Resident scholarship, the student must have passed 12 or more units and maintained a 3.00 or better term GPA and re-enroll as a full-time student. 

    A Non-Resident student who enters Taft College as a full-time student with a cumulative GPA of less than 3.00 and earns a 3.00 or better in 12 or more units at Taft College and re-enrolls as a full-time student may receive a Non-Resident scholarship for one semester.

    It is highly recommended that all students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application. Visit the federal government site for FAFSA or the state site for the Dream Act Application. 

  • California Community College Finish Line Scholars Program

    The California Community Colleges Finish Line Scholars Program provides scholarships to community college students who are halfway through their course of study to enable them to finish their goal of completing a certificate or degree or transfer to a four-year college or university. The program is designed to help eliminate regional educational opportunity gaps by supporting students in three regions of California: Far North, Central (including Taft College), and Inland Empire. 

    The minimum first-time scholarship eligibility requirements include the following:

    • The student must receive a tuition fee waiver under the California College Promise Grant.
    • The student’s goal must be completion of a certificate or degree program, or transfer to a four-year college or university.
    • The student must take at least 12 units or maintain an alternate full-time equivalent status during all terms in which the scholarship is active.
    • The student must be making progress toward his/her/their goal as indicated by having completed approximately half of the units required for their program and must have a realistic plan to finish the remainder of their goal in under two academic years.
    • Additionally, students pursuing a degree or transfer must also meet two of these three criteria:
      • Have completed a transfer level English course
      • Have complete a transfer level Math course
      • Have a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher
  • Taft College Community Scholarship Program

    Every year, local service clubs, businesses, alumni, friends of Taft College, college clubs and departments, and the Taft College Foundation offer multiple scholarships to our students, so they may continue their educational endeavors. There are more than 40 Taft College Community Scholarships available to students. The application can be accessed on the AwardSpring platform and is available on the first day of every Spring semester. Past scholarships have been sponsored by Rotary Club, Kiwanis, Soroptimist, and others.  Click here to apply  Deadline is March 31, 2025.

  • Taft College Associated Student Organization (ASO) Scholarships

    Several scholarships are sponsored by the Taft College Associated Student Organization (ASO). For a list of scholarships with details, link to the ASO page.

    Taft College Associated Student Organization (ASO)

Additional Scholarship Opportunities

There are many outside scholarships available to qualified students. Business firms, organizations, and four-year colleges provide scholarships for students. Notices regarding scholarship opportunities are posted throughout the year on our website. The college library is also an excellent source of information regarding scholarship opportunities. The following websites on outside scholarships are provided for your reference. They are listed sequentially per deadline dates, beginning in August. Taft College does not endorse any specific scholarship site.
  • May Firm Injury Scholarship

    Applicants must be enrolled in a community college or university.

    Deadline: September 15 and January 5, annually 

  • $3,000 Scholarship from the Law Firm of Eisner Gorin LLP

    Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited college, university, or law school in the U.S. This includes high school seniors, college first-year students, sophomores, juniors, and seniors as well as law students.

    Applicants need to provide the name of the school where they are enrolled or seeking enrollment.

    Applicants need to include their financial need for the scholarship in the essay.

    Deadline: December 1, annually

  • Lamber Goodnow College Scholarship

    Applicants must be enrolled at an accredited high school, college, or university. This is for all types of colleges, including four-year colleges, community colleges, and “junior colleges”; all qualify for eligibility.

    Applicants must have a 2.8 GPA or higher.

    Deadline: December 1, annually

  • Dirk Derrick Car & Truck Accident Injury Scholarship

    Applicants must be any current or soon-to-be undergraduate student in the U.S. who has had his/her/their life altered due to an injury from a car or truck accident, be it their own injury, or that of a loved one or an influential individual.

    Deadline: December 15, annually

  • The Nosrati Law College Scholarship

    Applicants must be a U.S. Citizen.

    Applicants must provide proof of current enrollment or acceptance at an accredited college or trade school.

    Applicants already attending college must be maintaining a 3.0 GPA or higher and provide documentation.

    Deadline: February 20, annually

  • Medical Billing Service Review Health and Technology Scholarship

    Applicants must be enrolled, or due to be enrolled, as a full-time student at an accredited U.S. college or university for the semester of which they are applying.

    Applicants are not required to have a minimum GPA

    Applicants may be in any major.

    Applicants may be a domestic, international, or undocumented student.

    Applicants may be a student attending an online university.

    Applicants must be students with a personal interest in health and technology.

    Deadline: June 30, annually

  • The ABC Fundraising Volunteer Recognition $1,500 College Scholarship

    Applicants must be a current high school junior, high school senior, college undergraduate, or graduate student who has participated in consistent volunteer work.

    Deadline: June 30, annually

  • Philadelphia Injury Lawyers P.C. Scholarship
    • This Scholarship is open to both graduate/law students and undergraduate students seeking to go to law school in the future. All applicants must be enrolled in a U.S. undergraduate or graduate-level program.
    • All submissions should contain the authors name, address, phone number, current major, and college.
    • All submissions should be emailed to
    • All submissions must be in .pdf format.

    2025 Scholarship Essay Topic

    Unforeseen long-term effects that could arise from injuries form a central part of negotiations between insurance companies and car accident attorneys.

    To what extent should these potential effects be a factor when determining the final settlement amount for a victim of a car accident? In addition, should previously-closed settlements be allowed to reopen if these unforeseen long-term effects become severe enough?


    • Only answer the question(s) provided.
    • Use online articles and caselaw to support your essay.
    • Proper grammar, spelling, and citations should be used.
    • All submissions will be checked for plagiarism.

    All entries must be submitted by July 31, 2025. The winner will be announced via Philadelphia Injury Lawyers P.C.'s website on August 31, 2025.

  • $5,000 Spokeo Artificial Intelligence Scholarship
    • $5,000 scholarship.
    • This scholarship is designed to inspire students across all fields of study to engage with one of the most groundbreaking technologies of our time:  artificial intelligence.
    • Open to all fields of study.
    • Legal U.S. residents, age 18 or older.
    • Essay required.

    Applications must be submitted by June 25, 2025. The winner will be announced July 30, 2025.
  • The California Community College's Chief Information Systems Officers Association (CISOA) Student Scholarship Program
    • Must be enrolled at least half-time (6 units or more per term)
    • Must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher
    • Must have declared a major in an Information Technology-related field of study
      • e.g. Computer Networking, MIS, Computer Science, Cyber Security, Electronics

    Each applicant will be required to provide a personal statement explaining their educational goals and how they plan to use the scholarship funds. Scholarship recipients will receive the funds directly from CISOA and can be used for any of the student's educational or educational-related needs. Submit your application at

    The application period is open from January 14th, 2025, to March 14th, 2025. Recipients will be notified by May 2nd, 2025.

Scholarships with No Deadline Indicated