Contact Financial Aid
Taft College Financial Aid and Scholarships Office
29 Cougar Court
Taft, CA 93268
Located in the Administration/Student Services Building
Office 661-763-7762
Fax 661-763-7758
Financial Aid Directory
Contact a member of our financial aid team.
Name | Phone | |
Amber Garcia | 661-763-7745 | agarcia@taftcollege.edu |
Marlene Acosta | 661-763-7782 | macosta@taftcollege.edu |
Elizabeth Hanel | 661-763-7746 | ehanel@taftcollege.edu |
Brittany Brown | 661-763-7914 | bbrown@taftcollege.edu |
Amber Jensen | 661-763-7881 | ajensen@taftcollege.edu |
Student Services
Contact leadership in our student services areas.
Office/Department | Phone | |
Athletic Director | 661-763-7779 | kbandy@taftcollege.edu |
Bookstore | 661-763-7731 | bnorris@taftcollege.edu |
Business Office | 661-763-7713 | nvalsaides@taftcollege.edu |
Counseling Department | 661-763-7748 | acotto@taftcollege.edu |
Dental Hygiene | 661-763-7706 | aomega@taftcollege.edu |
Director of Admissions | 661-763-7741 | calvarado@taftcollege.edu |
Disability Support Program & Services | 661-763-7898 | jescobedo@taftcollege.edu |
Distance Learning Help Desk | 661-763-7917 | DESupport@taftcollege.edu |
EOPS/CARE | 661-763-7830 | msanchez@taftcollege.edu |
Student Housing | 661-763-7847 | acutrona@taftcollege.edu |
Your financial aid information is available online
- Go to www.taftcollege.edu and login to your MyTC, then navigate to Student Services CougarTracks.
- To find the status of your file or award information, click on the “Financial Aid” tab.
- Go to eligibility and select the current aid year (example: 2024-2025).
- You will be able to view your unsatisfied student requirements.