February 11, 2020 Meeting



Tuesday, February 11, 2020


8:10 am – 9:00 am


  1. Review Spring HOF Timeline and Constitution & Bylaws



  • Send email via TC News to remind campus nominations are due March 15th


  • Nominations due March 15th
  • Confirm date and location of awards ceremony


  • Review nominations
  • Assign members to provide a short presentation on each nominee
  • Committee to vote via survey monkey ballot and select inductees by May 1st
  • Prepare Board Memo as informational item for the Board


  • After Board has reviewed, prepare letter to inductees congratulating them and letting them know a formal invite will soon follow; prepare letters to nominators of those that were not selected thanking them for their support and reminding them nominees not selected will be on the nomination list for the following year up to a maximum of five years.
  • Send correspondence to nominators of those nominees on 5 year list making them aware they are reaching maximum year. Nominators can then re-nominate if they choose.
  • Update HOF forms (for the next year) and induction ceremony info (for current year) on website
  • Update HOF website with current bio info and profile photos of inductees
  • Invite Foundation to host inductee luncheon/celebration the day/night prior to awards banquet


  1. Class of 2020 Nomination Deadline: March 15, 2020


  2. Date for 2020 Hall of Fame Event


  3. Other


  1. Spring 2020 Meeting Schedule-2nd Tuesday/month, 8:10-9:00am
    1. Feb 11th
    2. Mar 10th
    3. April 14th
    4. May 12th



Tuesday, February 11, 2020


8:10 am – 9:00 am


Members Present: Tony Thompson, Craig Johnson, Darcy Bogle, Norberto Lopez, Severo Balason, Debra Daniels, Susan Groveman, Dennis McCall and Bill Norris.
Recorder: Melissa Blanco



  1. Review Spring HOF Timeline and Constitution & Bylaws


  • Send email via TC News to remind campus nominations are due March 16th


  1. Review Constitution & Bylaws Discussion:
  • Darcy created a draft of the TC Hall of Fame Constitution and Bylaws to review and discuss.
  • Added the Executive Director, Marketing and Community Relations to the membership increasing the membership to 12.
  • Discuss reducing the number of years nominees have to serve TC which is currently “10 years”. It was suggested to make 5 years or a smaller number.
  • Discussion on ranking and voting of nominees. Changing the wording or using a numerical ranking.  The main issue is the timing of nominees on those recommended.  Committee members were voting “no” on those they would recommend but felt the timing was not right for them.  They were worthy but still received a “no” by member based on timing.  How do we solve this concern/issue?
    • Recommended  2. Not Recommended   3. Hold for Future Consideration
    • Numerical with the highest points being inducted
  • The committee believes they should have the right to reserve nominees to be honored the following year.
  • The committee “recommends” the list of nominees to the Board of Trustees as an action item for final review and approval.
  • Review of the nominees will take place during “closed session” and steps will be taken to make sure this is all done properly and within the Brown Act guidelines.
  • Darcy stated she would draft the Constitution & Bylaws again and bring back to the next meeting.


  1. Class of 2020 Nomination Deadline: March 16, 2020


  2. October Dates: Oildorado, October 9-18, 20


  3. Other


  1. Spring 2020 Meeting Schedule-2nd Tuesday/month, 8:10-9:00am
    1. Feb 11th
    2. Mar 10th
    3. April 14th
    4. May 12th