October 03, 2024 Meeting
Call to Order
Public Commentary
Action Items
Approval of the Minutes
· September 5th, 2024 Meeting
New Business
· Committee Charter & 2024-2025 Goals
Information Items/Updates
(Action may be taken on any discussion item identified on the agenda)
· Work Experience Education Regulations Revisions/Work Experience Plan
· CTE Handbook
· English/Spanish non-credit track for Independent Facilitator
Committee Member Comments
(Items of general interest relevant to the committee; no action. Examples: brief responses to statements or questions, ask clarifying questions, make brief announcements, suggest future agenda topics, ask CTE to look into something)
(To request a copy of the meeting documents, please email dbogle@taftcollege.edu)
Call to Order
12:14 p.m.
Public Commentary
Members Present: Darcy Bogle, Devin Daughtery, Kelly Kulzer, Kristi Richards, Mallori
Not Present: Vicki Jacobi
Guests: Amar Abbott
Action Items
Approval of the Minutes
· April 4th, 2024 Meeting
Motion to approve the minutes: Kelly Kulzer
Second: Kristi Richards
Motion passed.
New Business
· Committee Charter & 2024-2025 Goals
The current charter was distributed for review, and feedback will be brought to the October meeting, along with possible goals for the year.
· AP 4102: Career and Technical Education Programs
The committee reviewed the 7/25/24 working copy and approved.
Motion to approve: Kelly Kulzer
Second: Mallori Rossi
Motion passed.
Information Items/Updates
(Action may be taken on any discussion item identified on the agenda)
· Work Experience Education Regulations Revisions/Work Experience Plan
The draft Work Experience Education (WEE) Plan will be brought to the committee for review in October, with the goal of finalizing by December.
Devin shared the Allied Health Advisory Committee will meet in October to discuss Medical Assisting, Clinical Lab Assistant, Emergency Medical Responder, Phlebotomy, Nursing, and other program/potential program updates. Medical Assisting has been approved with a goal start date of fall, 2025. Paramedics has been approved with a goal start date of spring, 2026, and a director/professional expert will be hired. Steady progress is still being made on the registered nursing program, BRN application, and associated requirements. The job description to hire a nursing director is being reviewed by HR, and construction is on track for the nursing lab.
Speech Pathology was also discussed, and Devin has met with Joy Reynolds to gather information, and has also contact KCSOS, which is in support of a program. The goal is to offer a certificate and associate degree program. Darcy will follow up with Vicki Jacobi and Adam Bledsoe for an update on ASL I and II offerings.
Kelly shared that although we were not a successful candidate for the DSS-Independent Facilitator Certification grant, there could be interest in working on a non-credit track in English and Spanish to support this field of work. There is a large disparity (racial, ethnic) and need, and researching how to improve pay to make this work more sustainable is warranted. Taft College could be able to provide educational support in this area, and the workforce says it is needed. A master plan will come out in March, and based upon that, Taft College may be able to offer non-credit classes by January, 2026 to support the plan.
Committee Member Comments
(Items of general interest relevant to the committee; no action. Examples: brief responses to statements or questions, ask clarifying questions, make brief announcements, suggest future agenda topics, ask CTE to look into something)
1:01 p.m.
(To request a copy of the meeting documents, please email dbogle@taftcollege.edu)