Distance Education Support

The goal of Distance Education Support at Taft College is to provide faculty and staff the support needed to develop and maintain quality, accessible, inclusive and equitable learning opportunities for all students. Here you will find distance learning resources for instructors.

You can find more support and resources for all students and faculty on the Distance Education homepage.

FACULTY: If you’re experiencing technical difficulties with Canvas, it’s possible that their company (Instructure) is working on those issues. The instructure status page has information on known issues they’re working on.

Office Hours

Fall and Spring: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 a.m.
Summer: Monday - Thursday, 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 a.m.

To serve you better, please call us before you come to our office.

Contact Us

To contact us for assistance, please call 661-763-7917.  You can also email DESupport@taftcollege.edu.

Distance Education Support Staff

Name Title
Jon Farmer Director of Distance Education
Heather Cash Integrated Technology Support Technician
Serena Becerra – Carter Distance Education Instructional Aide
Julie Bush Accessibility Technician

Accessibility Resources

Listed are resources you can utilize for learning how to create accessible content.